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Alright people, with the next issue of the Forge Press we should be printing the editors choice for game of the year (along with boring things like 'Album' and 'Performance' of the year \YAWN/)What with this being the internet and democratic* and all that then why not cast your vote for your Game o' the YEAR in the poll which should be in the column to the right...You've got til the end of 2008 to cast your vote, and after the decree shall be put forth, the winner announced, and the developers rewarded with one of Brendan and Sam's fine (but not award-winning) pies.Go forth and vote!*democracy not available in: Vatican City, Myanmar, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, and the countries in red to be found here.
The spidery fingers of the games page team stretches far and wide; gaming, writing, eating, pie-making and on certain occasion even filmmaking. So it is with certain pride that I can say having been cruelly overlooked in this year's regional pie-making championships, two of our writers have only gone onto garner an 'honorable mention' at the online film festival of the ever respectable Escapist for their latest filmic feature 'Coffin Fodder'!A heady tale of Britain's greatest 'Rock Band' rockband, the staples of hookers and blow is instead eschewed for the more dangerous vices of headscarves and Buckfast. 'Should You Stay or Should You Go'? Well be sure to hang around longer than the measly 25% Coffin Fodder manage in their ambitious struggle of world-wide renown and Maximum Gamerscorage!