They started by asking my opinion on the range of games for the Wii

Poor choice I say. Not enough violence to sate the tastes of I, GLOBULAR the BATTLEREADY. Sure I love nothing more than relaxing with the family, playing Wii sports, Mariokart or maybe some poorly implemented party game. But when children have been set to bed I DEMAND GORE, and since the dirth in filmic output from the honorable Van Damme and Segal I have been forced to turn to WII for my BLOODLUST.
Splatterhouse 2 on the Virtual Console has been certain satisfaction, but the mighty Gods know that I need more Gore to sate my needs! Preferably of the 3 dimensional kind!

Well as it turned out it was for the new House of the Dead:Overkill and the delightfully gory Madworld. Both look pretty smashing, and the Grindhouse overtones of the new HotD really do look promising. And I told the kind Sega survey as much, and hopefully they won't start dicking about with the formula.
(by Pete Walsh)
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