Sunday, 2 November 2008

Issue 1: Editorial

[Originally published in Forge Press: Issue 1]
By Sam Robinson

It’s been a long summer and nothing of interest has been released as of yet. Each summer this infamous games drought takes place, and I want to know why. Are developers trying to coax us outside? I have a problem with that, mainly because this summer there has been: i) rain of biblical proportions, and; b) wind strong enough to blow away a tank.

Trouble is that this then leads to publications suffering. Look at Ben ‘Yahtzee’ Croshaw of Zero Punctuation fame. He’s doing features on things like webcomics which, while they are funny, are not on par with his reviews of recent games. Even the games page here had to let the likes of Too Human defile the page just because there was nothing out. I’m sorry for that.

Our jobs suffer because publishers like to cash in on little fat kids begging their mums for Mega Death Spree 5 at Christmas. So the next few months we’re going to be bombarded with hundreds of games and sequels of which we can only get a few lest we starve to death.

Titles evenly dispersed throughout the year would be a good thing and something that should be considered. If not then be ready for countless reviews of Oblivion or a feature on how to entertain yourself each summer.

In fact on that point why not try and reach the final prestige on Call of Duty 4. It’s kept me mildly entertained so far, though mainly because some of the chavs online have been coming out with hilarious comments. We can learn a lot from them. In the meantime feel free to knife me in the back; my gamer tag on Xbox Live is Ironfighter88.

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