SFIV stays totally true to the aesthetic of its 2D predecessors, with the familiarly exaggerated proportions and improbable physiques we’ve come to love. So yes, those thighs are just as impressive as ever. Beat-em-ups usually need to look fantastic to stand out, and in this respect SFIV certainly doesn’t disappoint, with incredibly detailed and personality-laden stage backgrounds, and stellar character designs (the new additions to the cast sit comfortably next to the old gang).
Plus it’s slick, fast, fun and incredibly well-animated. The entire game has a fluidity that always reminds you why SF still remains one of the most highly respected fighting franchises even after the passage of nearly two decades, and the game now includes all-new animated super finishers for all characters, mastery of which proves an ample (and satisfying, if my opponent’s smirks were any indication) reward for dedication to skill over button-mashing.
Though my time was spent with the arcade version (which is, naturally a joy to play on a fully specced-out cabinet) the more frugal (or reclusive) among you will obviously be more intrigued to hear about the home console and PC versions. Due on February 12 2009, the Xbox 360, PS3 and Windows versions will naturally be graphically identical to the arcade source, and all feature the not-inconsiderable bonus of online play. Like its downloadable companion piece, SF2 Turbo HD, SFIV apparently features clever lag-reducing algorithms that remove the input delays that commonly ruin the performance of even the most hardcore players. PC gamers who’ve used the software (in conjunction with various PC-based fighters and emulators) claim that it works exactly as advertised, even for transatlantic scuffles, so dust off those arcade sticks (or buy one – several are being planned to tie in with the release) as SFIV could spark something of an online revolution amongst fight fans come release in February 2009.
(By Paul Davies)
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