This week it seems someone pitied him and gave him a job. While he can no longer take people to court or send letters to developers mothers telling them they’re very naughty boys, it does seem he will still be around to make snide comments about games on his new post at magazine Human Events.
Most gracefully exploiting the concept of truth it seems in his bio on the site he is a great man responsible for ‘persuading TW to pull rapper Ice-T's 'Cop Killer' from store shelves worldwide,’ then by the looks of things he disappeared from the face of the earth for 16 years until resurfacing in 2008.
Don’t worry though Jack we’ll fill in your crowning achievements. Here’s a few things you missed. Remember when you stormed out of court saying the judge ‘doesn’t have the authority to sit there.’ Or what about the time you were made contempt of court after continual attempts to stop the sale of Bully in shops.
How about the time you harassed a client who was suing you for defamation in an attempt to get the case withdrawn. Don’t forget all those times you filed cases against Rockstar citing the Grand Theft Auto series as responsible for any murder only for them to be dismissed.
Also why did you also forget to mention the 27 misconduct charges you were found guilty of including submitting pornographic material to court or the $43,675 you were given along with being disbarred for life.
Thing is Jack if we’re sad for playing games and simulating murders at least we’ve not ‘pretended’ to be a mediocre lawyer for the last 30 years.
[Originally Published in Forge Press:Issue 5]
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