Or just another step and a stumble into the same old nonsense. Desperately trying to get my internet connection up and running for the 10 o' clock launch yesterday morning, I must say my hopes were high. Maybe that's why it all came off as a bit of disappointment.
Sure it's great fun to piss about with a new avatar creation system, to sit and bicker with a housemate exactly how long my fringe, how beady my eyes actually are etc etc. More hairstyles than the Miis, so bonus points for that. Points deducted for hiring the costume department of Dawson's Creek for possibly the blandest wardrobe seen this side of Gap. I'm not the worlds most extravangant dresser, but fifteen variants of boring OC standard 'faux-indie' t-shirts isn't really that brilliant.
And that said it is great to see how my friends envision themselves as well. Print editor Sam's done an accurate job of recreating himself, but not to be snide, but a couple of peeps I know seem to be suffering from reverse-anorexia... if you know what I mean. On the flip-side, it is fun to log into a housemates profile and create a slightly podgier avatar of him. Can't wait to see his reaction when he turns on the box to see that IT'S READ HIS MIND.
But after thats it really. The menus have been made a little bit more practical, and everything looks a little shinier. It is however not quite the 'revolution in home entertainment' that Microsoft were hoping for.
Maybe it'll become that with time, who knows? But for now the games pretty much remain the same.
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