Monday, 3 November 2008

Issue 3: Editorial

[Originally Published in Forge Press:Issue 3]
By Sam Robinson

One thing that really annoys me is the current games industry trend of creating sequels instead of original games. Not only does this show a lack of originality but it defiles cult classics and turn them into a money maker.

Most developers do spend a lot making games so that’s fair enough, but when it literally stops them from taking a gamble and creating something original then there are problems.

Like for instance this week with the announcement of a hidden trailer for Bioshock 2 at the end of the PS3 version of Bioshock. The original is an interesting game where plot and gameplay go hand in hand. Sure some have called it a spiritual successor to the System Shock series especially the foreboding atmosphere yet it differs in most offer aspects.

So what’s going to be offered in the sequel to Bioshock? You can hazard a guess that they will be multiplayer and new plasmids and a trip to an underwater city. So pretty much the same as the original then. Tagging on multiplayer, calling it a completely new gaming experience and demanding full retail price for it is one of the biggest insults ever. The developers may as well teabag your mum whilst having their way with the beloved family pet.

Let us throw down the glove to developers and challenge them for once. We should no longer give in to their get rich quick schemes and boycott those games that clearly are just minor updates.

There’s a lot of potential to use next generation software to make some fine examples of gaming. How about for instance a game where you play a serial killer and you have to stalk, hunt down and brutally murder random people. I’m sure there’s nothing immoral or wrong with that as a game available for kids.

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